Scrotal Enhancement
The scrotum and its contents, mainly the testicles, are an integral part of the male genitalia system. It has to have the right proportion in its appearance. The testicles are attached to the scrotal wall at the bottom part of the scrotum so that the size of the scrotum often determines the position of the testicles. If the scrotum is small, the testicles tend to be drawn up to the upper part; if the scrotum is large, it will be on the bottom part.

The appearance of the scrotal skin is important. When the skin is wrinkled and dry, the appearance the scrotum is less pleasing than when it is full and firm. Another factor influencing the appearance of the male genitalia which affects the function of the penis is the so-called scrotal penile junction. Normally, the scrotum is attached to the base of the penis. However, sometimes, the attachment is higher into the shaft and as high as to the tip of the penis integrating to become part of the foreskin. This condition, called scrotal webbing, makes the shaft of the penis much shorter and lose its definitive cylindrical shape and appearance.
The scrotal size and appearance of the skin can be improved by injection of fillers directly into the skin to smooth out the rugae of the scrotum and give it a smoother and more pleasant appearance. In rare cases, the scrotal wall becomes very large, and this can be reduced by surgical excision.
Scrotal webbing can be corrected both for appearance and function. Briefly, the attachment of the scrotum to the shaft of the penis can be moved down to the base of the penis where it belongs. Scrotal enhancement is a very specialized procedure and is usually done by a select few plastic surgeons.
Common Enlargement Questions
Over the last 25 years, the number of male patients seeking aesthetic, cosmetic and plastic surgery services has increased by 500% — from 3% of patients to more than 15% and growing every year. Not only are we seeing an increase in cosmetic procedures that enhance men’s physiques, but we are also seeing a growing number of procedures that improve men’s physical and sexual health as well as libido.
If I had other treatments (fat injections, Penuma, etc.) and am not happy with it, can I still get filler injections?
Generally, filler injection after a person had surgical insertion of Penuma or Surgimend for penis augmentation is safe and do able. However, it is not advisable to do surgical insertion after the person had filler injection because of the adhesions resulting from the injections making it very difficult and even unsafe to perform. One of the problems with Penuma is that it is firm and
sometimes it is palpable on the skin surface and does not look natural. One way to treat this would be with filler injections. Some patients had fat injection for girth enlargement and complain that the penis feels too soft and looks uneven. This is a common problem with fat injections because some of the fat may be absorbed unevenly and of course fat feels soft. This
can be improved by injecting filler intradermally (inside the skin) to give a “shell” and also inject subdermally (underneath the skin) to even out. It is best to see and be examined by the treating surgeon before a final decision on what is best for you.
Can I have ligament detachment and Surgimend insertion done at the same time?
Yes, this can be done and is frequently done together, saving the patient a lot of time. The anesthesia and surgical incision at the base of the penis can be used for both procedures, and the recovery period for both procedures simultaneously is the same as doing the procedures separately. For instance, following a procedure, the patient should abstain from sex for at least 35 days. Therefore, if the two procedures are done at the same time, abstinence from sex is 35 days, but if done separately, the patient will undergo two 35-day recovery periods.sometimes it is palpable on the skin surface and does not look natural. One way to treat this would be with filler injections. Some patients had fat injection for girth enlargement and complain that the penis feels too soft and looks uneven. This is a common problem with fat injections because some of the fat may be absorbed unevenly and of course fat feels soft. This can be improved by injecting filler intradermally (inside the skin) to give a “shell” and also inject subdermally (underneath the skin) to even out. It is best to see and be examined by the treating surgeon before a final decision on what is best for you.
I had a penile implant surgery and my penis seems to be generally shrunken especially the head of the penis. Can this be corrected?
When a penile implant is inserted, it sometimes does not fit perfectly, resulting in areas of pressure and protrusion which may cause problems and deformity. Even when the implant is put in perfectly, there may still be problems because while the implant remains unchanging, the penis will change in shape and deteriorate with age. For example, the head of the penis, the
glans, has engorgement of blood during a normal erection, but in the case of erectile dysfunction, there is no engorgement. Therefore, this will atrophy with time. The outline of the implant may become visible or palpable, causing pain to the patient or his partner. This can be corrected with filler injection into the area, smoothing out the edges and enlarging the penis as well, often a very welcome addition to the treatment for the patient.sometimes it is palpable on the skin surface and does not look natural. One way to treat this would be with filler injections. Some patients had fat injection for girth enlargement and complain that the penis feels too soft and looks uneven. This is a common problem with fat injections because some of the fat may be absorbed unevenly and of course fat feels soft. This can be improved by injecting filler intradermally (inside the skin) to give a “shell” and also inject subdermally (underneath the skin) to even out. It is best to see and be examined by the treating surgeon before a final decision on what is best for you.
I am 60 years old and am having issues with my erection. Can I have ED treatment and penis enlargement done at the same time?
Yes. Erectile dysfunction can be treated at the same time as penile enlargement. Usually, this is done with shock wave treatment followed by injection with PRP or bone marrow aspirate and then the injection for the filler can be done after that, or even the Surgimend procedure can be done at the same time.